Friday, June 4, 2010

oil spill

I saw some pictures of the animals that are being affected by the oil spill in Texas. I was utterly disgusted by what is happening to these poor animals. there are photos of birds covered in so much oil that you can hardly even tell that the poor animal is there. One picture was of a baby bird, it was horrible. I cannot believe what the man in charge of the BP bisness said. When he was confronted by employees about problems, he told them to just ignore it. I can't help but think that if he took 5 minutes to inspect the problem that maybe this wouldn't have happened. But, that is in the past now and all we can do is try and hope that this gets resolved. we also need to help in whatever way we can, even if it's just 1 minute of positive vibes or prayers a day. - Love to all!!!

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