Thursday, April 19, 2012

Hunger Games, Kataniss Everdeen!

Kataniss Everdeen played by Jennifer Lawrence who also played Mystique in X-Men First Class. Kataniss Everdeen is a strong, family devoted 16 year old girl who would do anything for her family. Sh volunteers in place of her little sister to partake in a televised fight to the death, in which after many challenges and events she returns home to her family. Bringing a character to life on screen from page is always a hard thing to do, with Kataniss I felt they did a very good job with keeping her true to the book. They were especially accurate in keeping her simple and tomboyish with her makeup, hair style, and clothes. One thing i was very happy about was that the actress dyed her hair dark brown just like the character has, it is one of my biggest pet peeves in the movie business, when a movie of show doesn't stay true to the hair color of the character from the book. Jennifer seemed to really understand and respect the character of Kataniss Everdeen. "She is a hero who doesn't mean to be" Jennifer told Life Story/Movie Magic magazine, (that is where I read the quote, she may have told other people that as well).  One thing I didn't like was that you couldn't really see how she thought that being lovey with Peeta was just an act. That was part of the thing with the books to movies that is always hard. When you can't get all the inner dialog without voiceovers, especially in this movie voiceovers would have just been bad and weird. So, I felt that even though that aspect wasn't as extremely obvious as I thought it should be. However that is pretty much impossible outside of the book. I felt that the actress did a good job of trying to get it actress, at times it wasn't noticeable but she did a good job most of the time. I was really interested to se Jennifer in this role because I had see her before in X-Men. However I was paying more attention to the cute guys and the only time I noticed her was to cheer her on to choose the guy I thought she should for with. She did end up going with Erik/Magneto which is who I wanted her to go with yay! So i knew that she wasn't a bad actress because she didn't distract me from the rest of the film. I was interested to see what I would think of her and how she would do in this role. I have to say she did an amazing job! One really random thing that iI loved about her and I felt really added to the character was her scratchy voice. especially in the scenes where she was sad and scared, I felt like it really fit. I don't know exactly why, but I just loved it! Now I can't decide if I should write my critiques on the characters in the order of the characters importance, working from top downward, or if iI should do the girl characters of the movie followed by the boys, If you have a preference please let me know!

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