Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Hey all! I usually like to make my own calendars instead of buying one! So if any of you want me to make one for you send me what you want it of like TV. show of a list 11 hot guys/girls and I'll find good pictures of them then make a collage one for the last month also what month is your birth month and I'll but who you think is the hottest or your favorite character, etc on your month! There will most likely be a 10ish charge for equipment I would need. please just send me and e-mail or if you want a comment and I'll send you my address so you can send me the list and money and I'll send you your calendar!! Please let me know!!
Love to all!!!
P.S. I will post pictures tomorrow
Love to all!!!
P.S. I will post pictures tomorrow
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Nightmare on 13th part 2
Today I had my interview and I think I did a great job! The main guy said he couldn't see any reason for me to not work there but he thought I might be a little soft! SOFT!!! ME?!?!? I have never been accused of being soft in my entire life!!!!!! But I told them my story of how I fell thru a glass table by dancing on it and they said breaking a glass table that's not soft! Yay me!! So I will let you know what happens with the job!
Love to all!!!
Love to all!!!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Nightmare on 13th
Thursday, August 19, 2010
My Future
So last Monday I sent my head shot and resume along with a picture with my natural hair color (my head shot has me with red hair instead of my natural brown) and a letter to the director of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians. There is a character in the 2, 3 and 5th books that I would be great at! So I sent a letter basically saying that if he thought I had even the tiniest chance to please send me the date, time and place of the auditions for the part! I'm waiting eagerly to see if I get a response! Wish me luck!!
Love to all!!!
Love to all!!!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
YouTube Yay!!!
Yay!!!! So I have been trying to put a video on YouTube for years and today I finally figured out how!!!! So I now have a video called Original Degrassi Girls! It's a picture slide show thing with pictures of the original Degrassi girls (name is pretty self explanatory) so I'm very proud of myself! You can watch it if you want to but no need if you don't! Anyway I'm just so happy!
Love to all!!!
Love to all!!!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
There was this guy that I was starting to like but then he got a girlfriend. I'm very very happy that he is happy! So I was starting to feel a little sad for myself but I realized that there is a plan for me. When it is time for me to find that someone not even necessarily the man I'm supposed to marry, it will be wonderful. It will all be worth the wait and be more than I've ever dreamed of. I can't wait to find out what it will be! I also wish my guy friend and his girl all the best!!
Love to all!!!
Love to all!!!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Ok! Hey everyone! I know I haven't written in a long time but I have a lot to tell you about so get ready for a lot of blogs! I might even write more than one a day so I can get you all caught up! Love to all!!!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Happy Birthday Nima!
(This was supposed to be posted on 07-29-10)Today is my friend Nima's birthday! I have known Nima scene preschool! He and I used to walk everywhere holding hands and if anyone tried to talk to him I would say "my Nima"! When we were in elementary he told me his dad was moving them to cedar city! It was so sad when he left. We hadn't talked for a long time and he called when he was visiting he grandparents who live here and we got together and it was nothing like had ever separated us! He still lives in cedar but soon going to college. We are still in each other's best friends list and I expect us to all ways be! I love you Nima!!!!!!
Love to all!
Love to all!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Have you ever done something that you regretted? When I was in high school there was this guy who really liked me and you know I liked him but not that way. And now that he goes to a different school I really really like him and I hate how I couldn't see all the amazing things about him when I had the chance. But I just have to grin and get over it and meet new guys. I've meet one that I was going to call today but I was unable to so we'll see how that goes as well.
Love to all!!!
Love to all!!!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Mom gone
My mom went to Seattle yester day to visit her sister. My aunt is going through a bad breakup with a guy she was dating for 12 years. So my mom went to visit her to help her get through it. She will be gone for six days which means that my dad and I will be home together for six days which will be kind of hard because we can hardly get along alone for six hours let alone six days. But this is now 5 days till she comes back so we got through the first day and almost the second without fighting so that's good. I have been doing all the cooking and taking care of the dogs and things like that. I'm doing ok but it's just so different and I don't know many things to cook so were really just going day by day! So I'll keep you up dated on anything interesting that happens!
Love to all!!!
Love to all!!!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Picture story

Hey all! I'm starting a new thing where every Sunday I pick a picture or someone sends one in and I write a background story to go with it! In this picture I say she is a woman who has been changed in to a demon or some kind of killer but she has two sides the good side is the one outside the mirror and the bad can be trapped in the mirror yet still controls her shown in the hand holding, all the people around them are all the souls of the people that she has killed. And she is being captured by the good guys shown with the black wrapped around the wrist being and starting to be carried away.
Love to all!!!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Samsung Strive

I got a new phone yesterday and I got the Samsung strive its purple and has a full keyboard yet is a good size. It's a slide which I like I like flips or slides. I couldn't use it until today because the guy at the store put a scratch free clear seal and it wasn't supposed to be touched because of the corners could peel and the screen would be foggy for the first day. So when I finally got to use my phone it was like Christmas. So far I really like this phone and I will keep you up dated on the ups and downs of this phone!
Love to all!!!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
So today I went to the hair dresser to get my bangs trimmed. While she was trimming I asked her how much hair extensions were. I was wondering because I had my hair cut recently and realized I really disliked that length so I wanted to make it longer. Her answer was one girl who works at the salon did them for 2 hundred and that was cheap and that she has known them to cost up to 2 thousand dollars. How insane is that?! 2 thousand dollars for hair extensions! So it looks like if I want hair extensions they will have to be clip ons but if they look good then I'm ok with that!
Love to all!!!
Love to all!!!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Today I found my IPod and I was so excited! So I plugged it in to my computer to charge and this box came up saying erase and restore. It would not let me do anything till I hit ok to allow it to do that. I had 400 and some songs on the IPod the erase and restore thing deleted all of my songs but 1! I am so made I had songs on there from c.d.s that I won't get back! I have been trying to fix it for about an hour and I can't get anything to put my songs back! I can't believe that this happened and it is so stupid that that would happen and that I can't fix it! It's so stupid!! Anyway love to all!!!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging

First of all, I'm sorry for not writing in a while! So. I watched this movie the other day called Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging. It is based on the first two books of a European book series called "Angus, Thongs and Full Frontal Snogging" and "On The Bright Side,I Am Now The Girlfriend Of a Sex God." It is really funny and the boy who plays Robby is very attractive. It is about a 14 year old girl who feels like everyone is treating her like a child and her search for a great boyfriend. It's full of fun, friends, family, love and finding oneself. I would reccomend the movie, but i have not yet read the books, I will write about them once i finish them.
Love to all!!!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Scotland Get together
Today I went to a get together with all the people I went to Scotland with. It was so much fun, we talk about the great times we had in scotland and we all sheared pictures with each other. The reason why we went to Scotland was because we were one of the 4 schools (Salt lake high school for the performing Arts) in the entire USA chosen to perform in it. My school did a physical theatre piece with no talking just movements to music and making crazy things out of simple objects. It was about 2 friends and their growing up together. One gets married and then her husband cheats on her and in the end she dies of breast cancer. then in the very end after the other woman dies as an old lady they reunite in heaven. It was a beautiful piece and to be able to perform it in scotland was an absolutely amazing experience I would not exchange anything for that experience. I will post some pictures of Scotland soon. Love to all!!!
Friday, June 4, 2010
oil spill
I saw some pictures of the animals that are being affected by the oil spill in Texas. I was utterly disgusted by what is happening to these poor animals. there are photos of birds covered in so much oil that you can hardly even tell that the poor animal is there. One picture was of a baby bird, it was horrible. I cannot believe what the man in charge of the BP bisness said. When he was confronted by employees about problems, he told them to just ignore it. I can't help but think that if he took 5 minutes to inspect the problem that maybe this wouldn't have happened. But, that is in the past now and all we can do is try and hope that this gets resolved. we also need to help in whatever way we can, even if it's just 1 minute of positive vibes or prayers a day. - Love to all!!!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
carlys first blog!
Hi everyone! This is carly! I wanted to start my own blog about my life and random things! If anyone has anything they want me to wright about or talk about or any advice you all you need to do is give me a coment or e-mail me! I will wright about all sorts of things, such as movies, books, actors, anything and everything! Can't wait to hear from you! Love to all!
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